A Very Tiny House

by Paul Elkins
(Stanwood WA USA)

This was meant for a homeless person. I put more time and materials into it than needed, but I like the lay-out.

A less expensive variation could be made from blown fiberglass or roto mold. It has a toilet, solar shower, water catching system, a kitchen,
desk and sleeping area.

The two doors when opened were designed to pin on art wares for sale.

More pictures and info at High Mileage Trikes (Link opens in a new window)

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Jun 20, 2011
Homeless shelter house
by: Ruth Koson

What a good idea! These should be made and given out to the homeless in areas where it gets really cold in the winter. I wonder if it would be possible to set up a donation site and one could use the money to make these and give them to the homeless. You could even set it up to where the homeless must volunteer their labor to make a couple for the next homeless person. Sort of like, "Pay it forward" for little housing units because as more people lose their jobs we will see more homeless and unfortunately, America is rapidly turning in to a third world Country as we spend all of our money helping other Countries, we have forgotten about our own.

Jun 15, 2011
Breaks and Dishes
by: Anonymous

Very Creative. I'd switch out the cart tires with more '4x4' go-cart tires and add a hand break to keep it in place when occupied.

Just Add a Dish-TV antenna on top & 1 solar panel and 10" LCD TV and it's perfect! :-)

Apr 14, 2011
very cool stuff
by: Anonymous

we are very sililiar, i designed an almost exact copy of your yellow shelter, but i will have mine on a trailer and tow it with my m/c..if u would like to see some of my solar trike/bikes, e ma at ICPTBA@AOL.COM, icptba@aol.com

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