Simple Life Stories

Simple life stories are so inspiring and motivating things to me. Living life in this way (at whatever level) is a very honorable thing to do.

I always find it special to hear stories of people or families that have the financial means to live more extravagant lives but purposely do not because they don't want to. They like simple and have a healthier mindset on life. I love stories like these and it's always inspiring to see other people and families replacing material wants with healthier choices.

When I first started simplifying I was making about $34,000 per year. Once I got rid of my car payment and lowered my rent by moving to a smaller place I was able to pay off my credit cards super fast. Plus I sold things like video game consoles, a 42" LCD television, and a whole set of newer furniture I had just bought so that I can speed up the process.

Afterwards I was able to save up my money pretty fast so that I could put a full time effort into my business (websites like this one). Since then I have read more books, learned more about my own work, learned to understand what it takes to run a successful business, and to actually start creating and directing my own life.

Oh look at me in my fancy car
and my bank account
Oh, how I wish I could take it all down
into my grave, God knows I'd save and save
Man, take a look again, take a look again
things you have collected, well in the end piles up
to one big nothing, one big nothing at all
~ Dave Matthews Band, song: Seek Up

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